Tuesday 27 November 2012

How to make a person look old?

To make a person look old you will need the following things:
  1. A carbon paper
  2. A4 plain paper
  3. Pencil ( 2B,2,HB )
  4. Use 2B pencils for shading and use 2 and HB for basic drawing.
  5. Your photo or a photo of the person you want to make look old.(only face)
  •  Trace the photo on the plain paper using a carbon paper.
  • Then add a bit of freckles/wrinkles on the forehead. It means to draw a few curvy lines on the forehead.
  • Darken the part beneath the eye and and make a thin layer of eyebrows.
  • Join the eyebrows by making a few small and short lines. Remember that these small and short lines should not be very dark.
  • Shade and slightly darken the following areas:
  1. Slightly shade either bottom ends of your cheeks.
  2. A very slight shade near your chin.
  3. Donot colour your hair very slightly and leave 30% of your hair white and the remaining 70% grey.
  • Now you may have to do a little bit of detailing by adding wrinkles at different places such as beneath the eye and slightly add wrinkles to the cheek.
  • Now you are ready to portrait your masterpiece...
 P.S - Video coming up shortly...

Saturday 17 November 2012

How to make a Pinata at home?

To make a pinata at home you will need the following things:
  1. A small square paper box
  2. A blown up balloon
  3. A permanent marker
  4. A cutter/scissors
  5. Paint
  6. Lots of newspaper
  7. Lots of glue and water mixed in equal amounts.(Glue mixture)
  8. Chocolates and titbits
  9. String
  • Trace one end of the paper box on the balloon.
  • Now, coat the balloon with lots of newspaper and glue mixture.
  • Repeat it multiple times.
  • Donot coat the area of the balloon which is traced.
  • After drying the coat of glue mixture and newspaper the balloon will become very hard.
  • Now, burst the balloon from the part where you did not cover the                                              balloon with newspaper and glue mixture.
  • You now have the outer part of your pinata.
  • Now you can paint your pinata using your own imagination.
  • After this dries you can put your chocolates and titbits in your pinata through the hole.
  • Make 2 holes on the box.
  • Tie your string to the paper box.
  • Block the hole with the paper box.
  • To burst it simply pull the string.
Enjoy with your pinata!!


New version of piggy.

In England once there lived a big
A wonderfully clever pig.
That Piggy had a massive brain.
He worked out sums inside his head,
There was no book he hadn't read.
He knew what made an airplane fly,
He knew how engines worked and why.
He knew all this, but in the end
One question drove him round the bend:
He simply couldn't puzzle out
What LIFE was really all about.

What was the reason for his birth?
Why was he placed upon this earth?
His giant brain went round and round.
Alas, no answer could be found.
Till suddenly one wondrous night.
All in a flash he saw the light.
He jumped up like a ballet dancer
And yelled, "By gum, I've got the answer!"
"They want my bacon slice by slice
"To sell at a tremendous price!
"They want my tender juicy chops
"To put in all the butcher's shops!
"They want my pork to make a roast
"And that's the part'll cost the most!
"They want my sausages in strings!
"They even want my chitterlings!

The butcher's shop! The carving knife!
"That is the reason for my life!"

Such thoughts as these are not designed
To give a pig great peace of mind.
Next morning, in comes Farmer Bland,
A pail of pigswill in his hand,
And piggy with a mighty roar,
Bashes the farmer to the floor…
Now comes the rather grizzly bit
So let's not make too much of it,
Except that you must understand
That Piggy did eat Farmer Bland,
He ate him up from head to toe,
Chewing the pieces nice and slow.
It took an hour to reach the feet,
Because there was so much to eat,
And when he finished, Pig, of course,
Felt absolutely no remorse.

Slowly he scratched his brainy head
And with a little smile he said,
"I had a fairly powerful hunch
"That he might have me for his lunch.
"And so, because I feared the worst,
"I thought I'd better eat him first.''

New version of 3 little pigs

New version of 3 little pigs

The animal I really dig,
Above all others is the pig.
Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever,
Pigs are courteous. However,
Now and then, to break this rule,
One meets a pig who is a fool.
What, for example, would you say,
If strolling through the woods one day,
Right there in front of you you saw
A pig who'd built his house of STRAW?
The Wolf who saw it licked his lips,
And said, "That pig has had his chips."
"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"
"No, no, by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!"
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"

The little pig began to pray,
But Wolfie blew his house away.
He shouted, "Bacon, pork and ham!
Oh, what a lucky Wolf I am!"
And though he ate the pig quite fast,
He carefully kept the tail till last.
Wolf wandered on, a trifle bloated.
Surprise, surprise, for soon he noted
Another little house for pigs,
And this one had been built of TWIGS!

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"
"No, no, by the
hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!"
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"

The Wolf said, "Okay, here we go!"
He then began to blow and blow.
The little pig began to squeal.
He cried, "Oh Wolf, you've had one meal!
Why can't we talk and make a deal?
The Wolf replied, "Not on your nelly!"
And soon the pig was in his belly.

"Two juicy little pigs!" Wolf cried,
"But still I'm not quite satisfied!
I know how full my tummy's bulging,
But oh, how I adore indulging."
So creeping quietly as a mouse,
The Wolf approached another house,
A house which also had inside
A little piggy trying to hide.
"You'll not get me!" the Piggy cried.
"I'll blow you down!" the Wolf replied.
"You'll need," Pig said, "a lot of puff,
And I don't think you've got enough."
Wolf huffed and puffed and blew and blew.
The house stayed up as good as new.
"If I can't blow it down," Wolf said,
I'll have to blow it up instead.
I'll come back in the dead of night
And blow it up with dynamite!"
Pig cried, "You brute! I might have known!"
Then, picking up the telephone,
He dialed as quickly as he could
The number of red Riding Hood.

"Hello," she said. "Who's speaking? Who?
Oh, hello, Piggy, how d'you do?"
Pig cried, "I need your help, Miss Hood!
Oh help me, please! D'you think you could?"
"I'll try of course," Miss Hood replied.
"What's on your mind...?" "A Wolf!" Pig cried.
"I know you've dealt with wolves before,
And now I've got one at my door!"

"My darling Pig," she said, "my sweet,
That's something really up my street.
I've just begun to wash my hair.
But when it's dry, I'll be right there."


New version of crocodiles.

"No animal is half as vile
As Crocky–Wock, the crocodile.
On Saturdays he likes to crunch
Six juicy children for his lunch
And he especially enjoys
Just three of each, three girls, three boys.
He smears the boys (to make them hot)
With mustard from the mustard pot.
But mustard doesn't go with girls,
It tastes all wrong with plaits and curls.
With them, what goes extremely well
Is butterscotch and caramel.
It's such a super marvelous treat
When boys are hot and girls are sweet.
At least that's Crocky's point of view
He ought to know. He's had a few.
That's all for now. It's time for bed.
Lie down and rest your sleepy head.
Ssh. Listen. What is that I hear,
Galumphing softly up the stair?

Go lock the door and fetch my gun!
Go on child, hurry! Quickly run!
No stop! Stand back! He's coming in!
Oh, look, that greasy greenish skin!
The shining teeth, the greedy smile!
It's Crocky–Wock, the Crocodile!"